Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog Post 3  Positive Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint- digital footprint is the data trail left by the interactions in a digital environment; including the use of TVmobile phone, the World Wide Web, the internet and other connected devices and sensors. Digital Footprints provide data on what has been performed in the digital environment.
  • A digital footprint is a data trail that leaves loads of information that is why it is very important that you have a Positive digital footprint. Negative digital footprints can be traced and tarnish an individuals name and reputation. If you do not want someone to find specific information about to, keep your digital footprint positive.
  • Who you associate with through the social networks can impact you reputation and how people look at you. The crowd of people you hang with defines the type of person you are without people actual getting to know you.

My digital footprint is fairly positive. My footprint is mainly associated with football and Curtis High School. Although face book can be detrimental to my digital footprint I strive to keep it presentable.
I always aware of the type of people I associate with on the social networks I think most friends give me a positive outlook. 

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