Friday, September 27, 2013

 9/27/13 Learning Reflection
I've learned a lot in Mrs.Butera's web designing. In the past week we worked a lot on our improving our blogs. Of the many things I've learn this week, the thing that stood out the most to me was the difficulty I had with adding a podcast. I was lucky enough to have a fellow student help me add it to my blog but, it bothered me that I couldn't do it myself. At first I didn't really like blogging but, I've grown to like the social network like style it presents. I am still finding my way around the blogging world. I might like it one day. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog Post 4 Netiquette

Netiquette -the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.

- Netiquette can really help improving your academic integrity. You should always have netiquette when socializing on any social sights because you never know who is watching or 

looking for you. My own netiquette is fairly acceptable.  
Blog Post 2  Academic Integrity

 Academic Integrity-
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigors in research and academic publishing.

Plagiarism- The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

- Plagiarism can be very detrimental to a student’s academic Integrity. Not only can it tarnish a student’s reputation, it can ruin one's accountability and almost guarantee a failing grade. Not only is plagiarism lazy, but it is also a shows the lack of attention a student shows 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog post 5
Web designing

Web designing is a very interesting profession. It is also a profession that I know nothing about. I know that it is a very time consuming task and takes persistence and creativity but, it is a profession that never really crossed my mind.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog Post 3  Positive Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint- digital footprint is the data trail left by the interactions in a digital environment; including the use of TVmobile phone, the World Wide Web, the internet and other connected devices and sensors. Digital Footprints provide data on what has been performed in the digital environment.
  • A digital footprint is a data trail that leaves loads of information that is why it is very important that you have a Positive digital footprint. Negative digital footprints can be traced and tarnish an individuals name and reputation. If you do not want someone to find specific information about to, keep your digital footprint positive.
  • Who you associate with through the social networks can impact you reputation and how people look at you. The crowd of people you hang with defines the type of person you are without people actual getting to know you.

My digital footprint is fairly positive. My footprint is mainly associated with football and Curtis High School. Although face book can be detrimental to my digital footprint I strive to keep it presentable.
I always aware of the type of people I associate with on the social networks I think most friends give me a positive outlook. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog Post 1 Blogging
-Raiders vs. Seahawks: Seattle's depth shines in win over Oakland by James Pennington 
Blog-a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.

- I am new to this blogging experience and I don't know much about it. I don't follow any one's blogging accounts but I do have a twitter. I follow many of friends and celebrities on twitter.

- Blogging is an efficient way to keep your peers posted on important information and events. It is a way to give and receive information such as school work or homework.

The World of Football ( American Gridiron)
Their are few things that interest me more than football, so it is only right that I research and blog about the majestic American gridiron that is football. While doing research I found many blogs that attracted my interest Such as :

-One Foot In-bounds: Welcome (Back) to the Machine by Matt Hinton

-Another off-season, another offensive identity crisis at Texas by Matt Hinton 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Welcome to The Esquires Blog

Welcome To My Blog ! My name is Julian Ansah but you will label me the Esquire

Understand the situation you have put yourself in. This is a hard nosed blogger who has no regard for the feelings of others. So prepare for a wild ride.