Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Final Project

                                                                     Final Project Blog Post
Goal: My goal was to show my audience a couple of well known routes on the football field

Learning Reflection: My final project didn't turn out like I wanted it to. Between The technical difficulties and the absents it just didn't manifest. I learn how to apply the skills Mrs.B taught me

Yet To complete: Between the absences  and technical difficulties I couldn't finish.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


This basketball animation was hard to master. After I mastered the basics to constructing it, it became easier. It was a challenge 

Moving Back Round

The moving back round animation was exciting. I always wonder how to make a background move and now I've learned. It was a fun topic.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Learning Flash Animation Moving Reflection

 Learning Reflection-I've learned so much about flash animation. Constructing photo's videos etc. It's a nice topic. The animation field is a vast one and as I scratch the surface of this field I am excited to learn more.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pivot Animation


Pivot Animation is a cool subject to study. I really and truly liked this topic. Though I am still exploring how I can develop turn this newly learned  skill into a career I am optimistic.

Pivot WMM

Pivot was a very exciting, likable project the widen the dept of knowledge I had for animation. These skills I learned through pivot are the beginning of what can be a promising animation career. The Movie maker aspect made it all the more interesting. It made me feel like a professional.